Sunday, April 22, 2007


Why? It probably is the greatest question ever. Why is the sky blue? Why do men climb mountains? Why do we exist? Why am I doing this? There are millions of blogs out there, and I am not so delusional to think that mine will change the world. I wanted to do this for a while but never had the time. Not that I have a whole lot of extra time now. A young girl my beloved wife works with inadvertently prompted me to do this. See, she lost her faith. This is not some religious nut blog although religion will be here now and then. I felt sorry for this girl. She's a good kid. We see all the horrors that have occurred lately and wonder about this generation. Remember, these are our future leaders and the ones choosing our nursing homes. I want better for my kids and yours. I don't pretend to know the answers to everything, but with faith it helps get me through. All of us have faith in something. It may be our government, a religion, our spouse or significant other, or something as small as knowing the sun will come up tomorrow and if it doesn't we are screwed anyway and none of this matters. I realize that this rambles but my ADD is kicking in. Faith is the most important thing that we have in our lives, without it we have nothing. Even when our faith is shaken it returns because we eventually find something else to believe in. Hopefully, the thing we have the most faith in, is ourselves.

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